The Kubrick Times front page

Who Has the Civil Service Vote?

Three civil servants

With the presidential election only a year away, candidates are already courting the all-important civil service vote.

“The civil service vote is a critical voting bloc,” said one campaign strategist. “Candidates need to make sure they are doing everything they can to court them.”

So far, it seems that the candidates are split on how to best appeal to civil servants. Some, like Senator Joe Smith, have been emphasizing their experience working in the government.

“I know what it’s like to be a civil servant,” Smith said. “I know the challenges and the stresses that come with the job. I’m the only candidate who has that experience, and I’ll be the best president for civil servants.”

Others, like Governor Bill Jones, have been stressing their outsider status.

“I’m not a career politician,” Jones said. “I’m not beholden to special interests. I’ll be a president for all Americans, including civil servants.”

Still others, like Mayor Bob Johnson, are trying to appeal to civil servants by stressing their experience working with the government.

“I’ve been working with the government for years, and I know how to get things done,” Johnson said. “I’ll be the best president for civil servants because I know how to work with the government.”

Which candidate will ultimately win the civil service vote remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: the candidates are already vying for their support.

This is an AI-generated article created from a futuristic New York Times headline written for Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. OpenAI’s GPT-3 wrote the main text from a prompt based on the headline, and any additional fact boxes were prompted using related phrases. DALL·E 2 was similarly used to make the article’s images. The fake ads use AI-generated photos and slogans.