International Crisp Sandwich Day

25th October ( St Crispin’s Day )


An annual celebration of the magic that happens when crisps are placed between two slices of bread.

Latest news

More news…
  • 18th October 2023 Only a week to go! Make sure you get lots of crisps in your next big shop, put the poster up somewhere, and let us know if you’ve got any special plans.
  • 11th October 2023 We’re delighted that The Shirker’s Rest in SE London will be marking the big day again this year, they even had it on the board before we got in touch! Upcoming Events board listing Crisp Sandwich Day
  • 21st September 2023 Get ready for the big day by ordering a Crisp Sandwich Day T shirt (3 different flavours available), with all profits going to The Trussell Trust, and a lovely CSD mug (sold at cost price). Crisp Sandwich Day mug Crisp Sandwich Day T shirts
  • 19th September 2023 It’s nearly that time of year again! We want the second Crisp Sandwich Day to be even bigger than the first, so we’d love to hear from pubs/cafés/takeaways interested in taking part, and anyone can join in by printing off the poster and putting it up somewhere. Crisp Sandwich Day 2022 Twitter highlights
2022 news archive
  • 26th October 2022 Thanks to everyone who took part and made it an amazing day! Here are just some of the dozens of photos posted online yesterday from around the world. See you next year..? Pics by: @robtibbles @JimmerUK @julieannennis @billybudd23 @TheShirkersRest @vr_sam @Tilly5001 @pghmyers @JudeCoram @Centuries_Sound @joz_freeman @cackhanded @IamHappyToast @oxygenthiefYEAH @RickEtyhat Crisp Sandwich Day 2022 Twitter highlights
  • 25th October 2022 Keep up with all the latest pics etc via #CrispSandwichDay on Twitter
  • Tayto sandwich 25th October 2022 People of Dublin, get yourselves a takeaway crisp sandwich from Berman & Wallace for today only. Their recipe: “Tayto Cheese & Onion, Butter, Brennan’s White Bread… end of”
  • 25th October 2022 It’s the big day! Want to celebrate in a pub? The Shirker’s Rest in New Cross, London, is offering free bread and butter with every bag of crisps (while stocks last), while over in Barnstaple, N Devon, Latitude 48 will give you a free crisp sandwich with a pint if you whisper “Crispin said so” (again, while stocks last!). The Shirker’s Rest Latitude 48
  • 20th October 2022 Yesterday we went “QR bombing” in London to make sure tourists know about Crisp Sandwich Day and spread the word back home. We visited the Houses of Parliament (apparently there was some fuss going on inside?) and Trafalgar Square, then tried in vain to distract people from the horrors of M&M’s World. Follow the whole afternoon in the Twitter thread. Outside the Houses of Parliament and alongside Churchill Trafalgar Square M&M’s World Portrait artist and Pret
  • St. Crispin House 18th October 2022 With a week to go until the big day, @JimmerUK went on a pilgrimage to St. Crispin House to help spread the word.
  • 14th October 2022 Crisp Sandwich Day is now featured in Days Of The Year. According to the site, it’s going to be competing with World Pasta Day, National Greasy Foods Day, Sourest Day and Punk for a Day Day.
  • 12th October 2022 Is your birthday on Crisp Sandwich Day? Get in touch and we’ll send you a load of crisps so you can celebrate properly (first 3 to respond, UK only).
  • 30th September 2022 You can now also dress for the occasion while helping a good cause - Apparel of Laughs has Crisp Sandwich Day T shirts in 3 different flavours, with all profits going to The Trussell Trust. Which flavour suits you..? Crisp Sandwich Day T shirts
  • 27th September 2022 Want to celebrate the big day in style? Get yourself a Crisp Sandwich Day mug to sip your tea/coffee from while enjoying a tasty crisp sandwich (we’ve set 0% markup, and at the time of writing there’s a 30%-off coupon code on the site). Crisp Sandwich Day mug
  • 22nd September 2022 If you put up our poster somewhere and send us a photo that gets featured in this news section, we’ll send you some free crisps to say thanks (UK only).
  • 6th September 2022 Latitude 48 in Barnstaple will be offering a free crisp sandwich with every pint on 25th October if you utter the magic words “Crispin said so”. Manager Liam Fairlie says “We love celebrating quirky things like this and look forward to being a part of it.”
  • 1st September 2022 Planning something special for the big day? Whether you’re a restaurant adding a crisp sandwich to your menu, or just going to treat yourself to one, let us know via @VOLEwtf or volewtf at gmail dot com
  • 1st September 2022 Hello! Crisp Sandwich Day is a new event to celebrate the iconic foodstuff every October, established by ButtyStock and but owned by everyone.

Join in now

  • Print the poster and put it up in your office/​school/​shop/​kitchen/​toilet
  • Share this site and use #CrispSandwichDay
  • Get the mug (0% profit margin) or a T shirt (profits to charity)
  • Want to appear in the news section? Contact @VOLEwtf on Twitter or email volewtf at gmail dot com to tell us how you’re joining in

Pledge your support

4,169 pledges of support Add yours

Thanks! Follow @VOLEwtf on Twitter or Instagram to get updates.
  • PurpleBread, Salt and Vinegar
  • The Alpha, Sea salt chips
  • harry, ready salted
  • Chris, Beef And Onion
  • keilen, bbq and cool ranch🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥
  • Daniel, 🤌salt & vinegar
  • greg, PRINGLES BBQ ☠️👌🥶🔥
  • mr me, chilli
  • Lily, Sour cream
  • It's_Wizard_Time_Mf, Ready salted or sausage roll
  • Gabriel, Anything
  • binnie, doritos
  • Darsh, Salt and Vineger
  • Pri
  • Kayla, Sour cream and onion
  • NØVA_FURRY, sour cream and chives
  • Ash, 🤌Salt and vinegar🤌
  • Man bean, bbq
  • Henry, BBQ
  • THE Yaegerman, Sour cream
  • Louise
  • Kye, Chilly heatwave doritos
  • bob, sour cream and onion
  • ReMy, Sour Cream & Onion
  • Nicole 🌅, Sour cream and onion
  • Max, sour cream & onion
  • joay, chesse
  • Quinn, barbeque
  • Salted Bazos, BBQ chips
  • Panos, snaking pickle
  • Mir, Cheese
  • Amelia, Salt and vinegar
  • reed, anything that is good
  • mike, bbq crisp
  • Caleb, Tai sweet chilli 🌞🌞
  • Yusef Faqeer, Prawn Cocktail
  • flop, extremely salt Cornelius chips
  • Elijah, Salt & Vinegar
  • Nzr Brtrnd, Bacon&Eggs
  • Derek, Cheese and Onion
  • Jeff, Saltandvinuegar
  • Liv
  • Maxim Bursik, Pizza
  • Amara, Sour cream and cheddar
  • Mr. cheese, Sour cream and cheese
  • Swell, Sour cream and onion
  • Esther, Salt and Vineger
  • David, Cheese
  • Nova, Sour cream and chives
  • Rachel, baked bbq
  • Stacy, cheese and salt vinegar and on
  • Cassie, Pie flavour.*ASDF music plays*
  • Aidan, Smoky BBQ
  • Nox, Ready salted
  • C.K, ready salted & BBQ
  • Jeff, Doritoes
  • connnor, cheese and onion
  • Matthew Neal, All Dressed
  • superuniquename, salted
  • Mr.8O, Sour Creme & Onion
  • Samuels, Cheese with tomato sacuse
  • Poppy, Ready salted
  • kaylee, beanssssssssssssss
  • Dorlenson, Chees
  • Nigel, Tayto Cheese and Onion
  • ivan arcudi, sour cream and onion
  • Ethan, TEXAS BBQ🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
  • Arthur, Prawcocktail
  • Milz, Old Bay seasoning
  • Mingyang, Truffle
  • Kane, garlic and parmisean
  • whats up brother, spicy
  • mic, salt an vineger
  • Karen McDermott, Ready Salted
  • joel jaques, sardine
  • Iyad Choubed, sour cream and spicy bbq
  • noa, smith chicken
  • Esme, Dill pickle
  • Delilah, sour cream and onion
  • Robin, Lightly salted
  • ChillerThriller, Sour Onion
  • Ben Gray, Cheese & Onion
  • Saif, BBQ
  • Gilbert, Cheese
  • Guy, Ccucumber
  • Steve, Ready Salted.
  • Goit, Cheese and Onion
  • Steve, Beef
  • Dylan agnew, Anything that is good
  • Wavykids, Bbq
  • Andrew, bbq
  • Lilly, salt & vineger
  • Parker, bbq
  • Omelette, sour cream & onion
  • Bread, Brocily
  • Oliver, Sour Onion
  • Maxwell, Sardines and Peanut Butter
  • Hunter, Barbeque Baby 🔥🔥🔥
  • Yenni, Salted Egg :)
  • Cauã, Egg
  • Marzo, Sea Salt and Vinegar
  • Zoyeetus, bbq chicken
  • keiner, queso
  • Xtina, Jalepeno
  • Lockwood, chez n onion
  • Josephine Ehlers, sour cream and onion
  • Desolateddemon, Sweet onion but bbq is good 2
  • eloise, joppie
  • ayden, lime
  • lumi, chip
  • Chris, Sour cream and cheese
  • Lucas, Flaming hot
  • noob, Sour cream and onion
  • lipop, honey bbq
  • the silly billy, spicy dill pickle
  • Tom, Nacho cheese
  • dumb alec, con queso
  • Atlas, Nacho cheese
  • Mason, Spicy
  • Izzy, Plantain chips
  • sasha, cheese and green onion
  • mrcrisp, bbq
  • Thenerd, Honey, soy, chicken.
  • sir johnathon of taxes, Flame grilled steak
  • Arash, BBQ
  • 🥔 starchy the third, Sour cream and onion
  • grey, BBQ
  • Vigo, bread
  • johnny, pringle lest sodiem
  • Andrew Craggs, Salt & Vinegar
  • Duncan, Smoky Bacon
  • sophie, bbq
  • theduck, jalapeno, salt, and bbq sauce
  • houdini, nacho cheese
  • Ryan, Sea salt and vineger
  • a, onigiri
  • jameela, dill pickle
  • TERRENCE JARRED ORTEGA, sour cream and onion
  • Someone, Sour Cream and Onion
  • bahahahh, white cheddar
  • bob, potato
  • Chaewoo Yoon, honey butter
  • Qastra, Spicy Sweet Chili
  • Fares, Sour cream and onion
  • Marir, paprika
  • Bertito, Iberic Jam
  • yumbee, paprika
  • Liam, Thai chilli
  • Wingdings: 👍︎❒︎⍓︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎●︎, jalapeno
  • jeffrey, cheese and onion
  • Adrian Uliasz, Honey Dijon
  • kai cenat, m&m
  • EeveeMaster200, CHEDDAR CHEESE!!!
  • Roofa, Barbeque
  • bill, BBQ
  • Ava, pickles
  • GYATTT, shrimp
  • 𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓮, barbecue and cheese
  • Nathan, Sour Cream and onion
  • may, ranch and onion ringssss
  • Adrian, BBQ
  • Sophia
  • Big Mitch, Salt and lineker
  • Hugo, Chilli/barbeque
  • Clarke, Sour cream and onion
  • Zeak, Anything
  • Jo, Sour Cream and Onion
  • Zachary, Spicy
  • Mrll, BBQ
  • VK, Normal Crunchy Potato Chips
  • dogfeelthelove, jalapeno
  • Mini- d, Brown butter and chili
  • yo, philly cheese steak
  • Lando, Crab
  • James, Potater
  • ali, barbecue
  • Dorian, French dip
  • Xx Alexa xX, ready salted
  • Average_me, Spicy
  • rainybeeE, sweet chilli
  • Rook, Cheese and Eggs
  • marcos
  • zinniA, WAVY SEA SALT🗣
  • Billy Bob, Banana
  • MEEEEEE, Salt and vinegar
  • ella, spîcy
  • ian, salthy
  • Nigelica Nugettface, ANY!!!
  • Lacari Jenkins, spicy nacho
  • deez, crisp flavoured crisps
  • Janice Whitfield, Walkers
  • Anabel Betancourth, Peanut butter and jam
  • Guy, Original bc I'm acoustic
  • and more…