Imaginary Friends Reunited



Imagined by KRB at 3-6 years old

A little girl, hung out with HapperTapper (imaginary spider friend) and Hurry (pronounced Her-ree, imaginary woodlouse friend).

Also friends with…


29 Dec ’21 anon

poosp more like poop hahahhaahaa

25 Jan ’22 MR. WHAT

I Think i really like this imaginary freind's name.

2 Feb ’22 MR. WHAT

I Think i really like this imaginary Friend's name.

10 Feb ’22 amognus

poosp sounds like poops

6 Mar ’22 eggchild

i full on thought this said poopsy like the slime toy here in the ** (not disclosing my location)

2 May ’22 Pandomized Name

Wow, Just wow

7 Aug ’22 Poosp

Im real and i can prove it!!!

19 Aug ’22 poosp

why ya laugh at my name :(

14 Apr ’23 The person.

Poosp poops in the potty

10 May ’23 the onceler

sounds kind of creepy but kind

8 Jul ’23 Telekinetic child

Who let all these comments get posted

30 Oct ’23 HapperTapper

Yall stop makin fun of mah fwiends name <3 i love herrr