Imaginary Friends Reunited

The Meerkat Triplets

The Meerkat Triplets

Imagined by IBear at 4 years old

They were three identical meerkat triplets (I’ve been obsessed with meerkats all my life) called Milly, Molly and Marley. Milly liked baking, Molly liked climbing and Marley liked science (my three favourite things as a child). When I started school, I insisted on each of them having a chair to sit on (my teacher refused). My school also had us put photos of ourselves on a strip of felt on the door whenever we left the room to go to the toilet and I made some for the meerkats too (my teacher took them off after 2 days).

Pic generated using OpenAI’s DALLΒ·E 2

Also friends with…


14 Sep ’22 SrStylus

Teacher is the villian of this kids plot

15 Sep ’22 Boo

How could he?! They want to learn too!

23 Sep ’22 pizzabob

I love them!

30 Sep ’22 remi

yall bots

30 Sep ’22 Bot Army


5 Dec ’22 Anti-Bot Police


11 Dec ’22 meerkat with chef hat

yay i found you i was worried that you forgot me and did not post me on the website

21 Dec ’22 Aaaa

Did you think of that because of the commercials?

24 Dec ’22 Omori

I eat meerkats for a living

2 Feb ’23 Big gregor

Why they look like a kid friendly mafia haha

21 Oct ’23 gillion

wait- people are saying theese comments are bots?

31 Jan ’24 Raindrop

Ah yes,milly the baker,molly the climber and marley the scientist.they all form...THE MEERKAT TRIPLETS!

11 Feb ’24 Evan

Wow. Just wow.

26 Feb ’24 Joe joe

Ello meerkats :D

27 Feb ’24 JuniperπŸ„

The teachers were rude :/