Imaginary Friends Reunited

Internal Body

Internal Body

Imagined by Cody Grant at 8-10 years old

They were all really small and ran my body like I was a robot, they would operate my organs like stations, and when I get hurt the would go and make repairs.

Pic generated using OpenAI’s DALL·E 2

Also friends with…


20 Sep ’22 wsaz2w

this is scary

10 Nov ’22 Internal body manager

We resign from our job

6 Dec ’22 internal body CEO


22 Dec ’22 Internal body worker

No don't resign

28 Dec ’22 Anime watcher

Copywriting cells at work?

8 Jan ’23 Sliver

Literally me

6 Feb ’23 The heart

I'm very tired of pumping blood.

11 Feb ’23 Liver


14 Feb ’23 Internal Body Worker CEO's boss

get back to work you idiots

21 Feb ’23 Internal body supervisor

go back to your work yall

3 Mar ’23 Maxi

Jaja que original, una vez imagine algo similar. Pero;
Que les pasara cuando mueras??
Pueden viajar de un cuerpo a otro con un beso por ejemplo??
Me encanta le doy 11,7/10

6 Apr ’23 Oesophagus

A pile of food is stuck. help

8 Apr ’23 Body Workers ™️

We're going on strike

13 Apr ’23 a very small dude

girl help i am drowning in your bloodstream:( clog ur arteries to save me

5 May ’23 anonymous

that is actually a pretty badass imaginary friend im ngl

8 May ’23 Body Workers


10 May ’23 brain worker

uhhh sir do i put the milk first or what

7 Jun ’23 left testicle

help how do i untwist

27 Jun ’23 Brain worker 2

PUT CEREAL 1ST COWORKER PEOPLE LIKE THAT MORE wait remember that emberising moment in high school

1 Jul ’23 Neuron

Hey everyone! He's trying to sleep!
Let's watch The Most Embarrising Moment!

18 Jul ’23 brain

hey! he is sleeping!!!
make him remeber his op 10 cringiest things he did!!!!! yay!

29 Jul ’23 Stomach

How do i flip down side down again

1 Aug ’23 Stomach

Help me im upside down D:

8 Sep ’23 Heart

You know what? I'm going to retire

17 Sep ’23 Im dead now

i had this same thing and they would talk to eachother and they would be 1 for each part of my body and when i got hurt they fixed me and went back the same.

19 Sep ’23 Bladder Worker

Uhh... is it fine if I just let a little lose right now? It's kinda a little too full? I'm kinda new here- what do you mean, he is sleeping?

10 Nov ’23 Wenus (elbow)

I'm tired of weening so much I give up

13 Dec ’23 Left Lung

Ugh. Im tired of just doing the same all the time..breathing is boringgg...can I do something else?

27 Dec ’23 Brain worker 2

We need to help out or the ceo will think we are slacking off B.w.1 help the stomach, heart don't retire, bladder no, wenus keep weening and think of a better name, left lung the ceo might fire you if you stop

12 Jan ’24 red blood cell man

guys patch up that cut please i'm about to be ejected from the arm

24 Jan ’24 Right Lung

Bro im quitting this guy breathes way to much goodbye Left Lung

9 Feb ’24 Left kidney

Umm sir can i take a break from kidneying

21 Feb ’24 Left kidney

Pretty p,ease wit a cherry on to?

10 Mar ’24 right kidney


14 Mar ’24 Right kidney

Yeahhh me too. it's getting pretty boring kidneying here.