Imaginary Friends Reunited

Football Boy

Football Boy

Imagined by Jim Peltz at 4-12 years old

A boy with a strong passion for American Football. Beat up a sumo wrestler once, and then got muscles, which made him turn into Popeye for a week.

Also friends with…


5 Nov ’21 Poopy pants of love and honor

Weeeiiiiiiirrrrd 🗺🏗🏝🏘🕋🏗🏞

16 Nov ’21 Lillion

ur comment is weirder

6 Mar ’22 D

Lol just lol

15 Mar ’22 anonymous

Football is life

13 May ’22 Baseballlengend

Football just shows how desprate u are

7 Aug ’22 Rimmy

He taught me how to play football

8 Jan ’23 Ladder bass

Gotta call Football Boy support to find out why he's popeye suddenly.

19 May ’23 anonymous

Looks like a bully...

21 Feb ’24 Football Boy


11 Mar ’24 A person just looking at imaginary friends

The cool thing is that he beat up a sumo wrestler, got muscles and became Popeye

13 Mar ’24 I hate football boy

Football boy you are a piece of crap