Imaginary Friends Reunited

Anthony Crabsheller

Anthony Crabsheller

Imagined by Russ Miller at 9-11 years old

For a kid without parents, he filled the void of someone older giving encouragement. He was the spectator at school plays and the guy who told me I was better than the bullies. He was somewhat nebulous of age, but roughly 18-25 - “old” to a kid. I think he was supposed to represent an older version of myself that had grown up and become confident.

Also friends with…


20 Oct ’21 gil

this is just sweet

26 Oct ’21 keeper of the cursed box

helo i am older version am confident now

oh no i forgor to change my name

13 Nov ’21 anonymous

I need an Anthony

29 Mar ’22 anonymous

i love you anthony

24 May ’22 me

i love anthony more than myself now lmao

31 Oct ’22 Henry Scratch n' sniff (Review Critic)

This is really sad, I hope Russ has created a better life for himself.

10 Feb ’24 anonymous

this is nice

24 Mar ’24 Anthony Crabsheller