Triple Tautonyms
Gotta classify āem all!
At least 28 animals have zoological names with three identical words, making them triple tautonyms.
You can print a PDF file of all the cards featured below & use that deck with Top Trumps rules.
Alces alces alces
The European elk is growing in population & territory across Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.
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- Attack
- 5
- Defence
- 8
- Agility
- 3
- Cuteness
- 2
Bison bison bison
The Plains bison neared extinction in the 1880s but has since been reintroduced across the U.S.
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- Attack
- 5
- Defence
- 7
- Agility
- 2
- Cuteness
- 2
Bubo bubo bubo
The European eagle-owl is the darkest & most richly coloured of the eagle-owl subspecies.
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- Attack
- 4
- Defence
- 4
- Agility
- 8
- Cuteness
- 6
Bufo bufo bufo
The common toad secretes bufotoxin when threatened, which has similar effects to digitalis.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 7
- Agility
- 1
- Cuteness
- 3
Buteo buteo buteo
The common buzzard hunts from a perch & feeds mostly on small mammals such as voles.
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- Attack
- 5
- Defence
- 4
- Agility
- 9
- Cuteness
- 3
Capreolus capreolus capreolus
The roe deer is small & well-adapted to cold conditions across Europe & parts of Asia.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 3
- Agility
- 7
- Cuteness
- 4
Caracal caracal caracal
The southern caracal is a medium-sized wild cat found in Southern and East Africa.
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- Attack
- 7
- Defence
- 6
- Agility
- 6
- Cuteness
- 5
Caretta caretta caretta
The Atlantic loggerhead turtle is an endangered species with a lifespan of 47-67 years.
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- Attack
- 3
- Defence
- 7
- Agility
- 2
- Cuteness
- 6
Crossoptilon crossoptilon crossoptilon
The Szechuan white eared pheasant inhabits rocky high-altitude areas in Szechuan, China.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 2
- Agility
- 7
- Cuteness
- 5
Francolinus francolinus francolinus
The western black francolin is a gamebird found in the region from Cyprus to Iraq & Iran.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 2
- Agility
- 6
- Cuteness
- 3
Gallus gallus gallus
The Cochin-Chinese red junglefowl is similar to the domestic chicken, but smaller & shyer.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 1
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 4
Giraffa giraffa giraffa
The South African giraffe has a population of around 31,500 in the wild plus 45 in zoos.
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- Attack
- 3
- Defence
- 6
- Agility
- 4
- Cuteness
- 6
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
The western lowland gorilla is a critically endangered subspecies of the western gorilla.
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- Attack
- 9
- Defence
- 8
- Agility
- 4
- Cuteness
- 8
Jacana jacana jacana
The wattled jacana is a wading bird that feeds on invertebrates & seeds picked from water.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 1
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 6
Lagopus lagopus lagopus
The willow ptarmiganās lagopus subspecies is found in Scandinavia, Finland & Russia.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 2
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 7
Lutra lutra lutra
The Eurasian otter mainly eats fish, but also amphibians, crustaceans, insects & birds.
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- Attack
- 4
- Defence
- 4
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 9
Lynx lynx lynx
The northern lynx preys on a variety of animals, but is hunted by wolves in Russian forests.
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- Attack
- 8
- Defence
- 6
- Agility
- 6
- Cuteness
- 6
Meles meles meles
The common badger can weigh 20ā24kg in autumn & lives in shared burrows called setts.
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- Attack
- 4
- Defence
- 5
- Agility
- 2
- Cuteness
- 8
Mephitis mephitis mephitis
The Canada striped skunk is a large subspecies found across eastern Canada.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 8
- Agility
- 3
- Cuteness
- 7
Naja naja naja
The Indian cobra was often a heraldic element in the official symbols of ancient Indian states.
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- Attack
- 8
- Defence
- 9
- Agility
- 3
- Cuteness
- 1
Natrix natrix natrix
The central European grass snake is non-venomous & feeds almost entirely on amphibians.
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- Attack
- 3
- Defence
- 3
- Agility
- 2
- Cuteness
- 2
Pica pica pica
The common magpie is the only bird known to pass the āmirror testā, a sign of intelligence.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 2
- Agility
- 7
- Cuteness
- 4
Quelea quelea quelea
The red-billed quelea is a sparrow-like migratory bird native to west & central Africa.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 1
- Agility
- 8
- Cuteness
- 7
Rattus rattus rattus
The black rat is revered at Karni Mata Temple in India, where 25,000 of them receive offerings.
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- Attack
- 3
- Defence
- 2
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 8
Redunca redunca redunca
The bohor reedbuck prefers grasses & shoots with low-fibre & high-protein content.
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- Attack
- 1
- Defence
- 4
- Agility
- 7
- Cuteness
- 6
Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra
The Alpine chamois is a small goat-antelope that sometimes forages during moonlit nights.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 3
- Agility
- 5
- Cuteness
- 7
Sula sula sula
The Caribbean and southwest Atlantic islands red-footed booby is a large seabird.
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- Attack
- 2
- Defence
- 3
- Agility
- 7
- Cuteness
- 4
Vulpes vulpes vulpes
The Scandinavian red fox is a large subspecies, measuring 70-90cm long & weighing 5-10kg.
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- Attack
- 7
- Defence
- 5
- Agility
- 6
- Cuteness
- 9