

Katie Coxall’s ButtyStock items


  • Brigadier Bloom character, a loaf filled with Hula Hoops
  • CRISPEA HOSSMAYZBATTER, spoof Frazzles product
  • Halloween open crisp sandwich with pumpkins (full colour)
  • CRISPEA PRINGMUFFNUT, spoof Pringles and nuts muffin
  • Mr Crisps, the well-known crisp sandwich mascot
  • Double decker Wotsits sandwich with olive garnish
  • A selection of crispy snacks in an ice cream cone
  • Mouldy diagonally-cut white Cheese Balls sandwich
  • CRISPEA NØMBATKETCHÄP, spoof snack sandwich
  • Halloween open crisp sandwich with pumpkins (partial colour)
  • CRISPEA POPPAGELEA spoof bagel product
  • Hotdog bun filled with Skips snacks sat in brown sauce
  • Lord Crispin Crisp, a UMSSB mascot from 1960
  • Entire white loaf containing one Onion Ring corn snack
  • Monsieur Baguette character full of French Fries snacks
  • Slices of white bread containing French Fries snacks
  • Chipsticks in a happy, smiling sesame seed bun
  • CRISPEA PERSKWEROOPEN, spoof Square Crisp’n’pear snack
  • Iced doughnut filled with Onion Rings corn snacks
  • Monster Munch and mayonnaise between brown bread