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<Spoilery Development Diary>

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09 Jun 2024 Every exam answer

24 Apr 2024 What we learned/confirmed

04 Jan 2024 Curtain call

29 Dec 2023 It’s alive!

18 Dec 2023 Seven sleeps til arccmas

11 Dec 2023 Are we nearly there yet?

04 Dec 2023 Do you believe in the Users?

27 Nov 2023 EeZee PeeZee

16 Nov 2023 Millennium bugged

10 Nov 2023 Terminally online

07 Nov 2023 SPEECHLESS??

02 Nov 2023 Ceefax page 888

27 Oct 2023 BEEEEEEEP

26 Oct 2023 “If you see a stylus, they blew it“

23 Oct 2023 Doctor who…?

17 Oct 2023 Vector beam

05 Sep 2023 Exciting casting news

01 Aug 2023 arcc display technology

06 Jun 2023 We recruited a Cold War/Nuclear Dread Consultant

02 Jun 2023 Some things that inspired arcc

01 Jun 2023 T-minus 206 days